ProjectWise Forms

Dashboard cutomization

We seems to have the possibility to create a new dashboard layout for IRS, but we are limited in a way we cannot save different configurations of the dashboard.

We are looking to have different configuration each reporting a different set of properties.

  • Luc Poulin
  • Apr 30 2024
  • Attach files
  • Luc Poulin commented
    11 Nov 13:45

    Limit the display in a colum to the first line to have a more compact table in height

  • Luc Poulin commented
    10 Nov 23:03

    Allow organisation and domain of the issue creator, to be dislay as a column for the SUB issue,

    This is usefull in a JV project where we have multiple organisation.

  • Luc Poulin commented
    10 Nov 22:38

    ... reorder the new tab we have create.

  • Luc Poulin commented
    10 Nov 22:14

    In addition to the above, when we create custom dashboard, we are not able to reorder