ProjectWise Forms

Include Comments in CSV Export

when exporting to PDF comments are exported, but when exporting to CSV these comments are not visible

  • Dan Cutler
  • Jun 7 2023
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Sarah Albee commented
    July 06, 2023 15:26

    We are moving to Excel as an export option. Once we have excel, we will be able to export all the comments on a separate "Comments" tab where each comment is listed as a Row.

  • James Manfield commented
    June 13, 2023 09:10

    I guess that it would not matter if the comments were concatenated. What would be important is to get the data out so that it can be reformatted to whatever is needed. My initial thought would be to do this in excel and use macros to create a formatted document. If the comments were concatenated, then I guess then could be separated or not as per the requirements

  • Admin
    Sarah Albee commented
    June 12, 2023 18:36

    A CSV is a flat file representing one record per row. With comments, there can be multiple comments per row. Would it be sufficient to offer a comment export? Or perhaps a separate CSV file containing all the comments (one per row) with a tie back to the original record? We are currently working on building in Excel exports which would enable one tab for the records and a 2nd tab for the associated comments. I recommend having your PM bring this topic up in the next stakeholder meeting so we can review the options and prioritize.