ProjectWise Forms

A way to delete the populated forms, or archive them

If there were a way to archive the forms, or delete them or both. They could archive the same way the transmittals do.

  • Candice Carter
  • Oct 21 2019
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Luc Poulin commented
    29 Apr 12:38

    Jeremy, just a quick note

    If we talk about forms being in production yes

    Word of caution if we talk about master forms.....

    Delete should be used with caution on the master form. A master form should not be allow to be delete unless all associate production forms have been close.

    We have face situation where people wanted to make a clean up of the master forms and we had forms in production, which cause some problem as we need to update the existing forms which can no longer be possible.

    The idea to have a recycle bin is a good one

  • Jeremy Fisher commented
    June 28, 2021 12:57

    You can delete them if you have the appropriate permissions